how to srt vector array

To sort a vector array in C++, you can use the sort function from the <algorithm> library. The sort function takes two iterators as arguments and rearranges the elements within the specified range in ascending order.

Here are the steps to sort a vector array in C++:

  1. Include the <algorithm> library at the beginning of your code:
#include <algorithm>
  1. Declare a vector array and populate it with elements:
std::vector<int> myArray = {5, 2, 8, 1, 9};
  1. Use the sort function to sort the vector array:
std::sort(myArray.begin(), myArray.end());
  • The begin() function returns an iterator pointing to the first element of the vector.
  • The end() function returns an iterator pointing to one position past the last element of the vector.
  • By passing these iterators to the sort function, you specify the range of elements to be sorted.

  • After the sort function call, the vector array myArray will be sorted in ascending order:

// Output: 1, 2, 5, 8, 9
  • The sort function rearranges the elements in ascending order based on their default comparison operator.

That's it! By following these steps, you can sort a vector array in C++ using the sort function from the <algorithm> library.