C++ Changing Default Value of Enums

To change the default value of an enum in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the enum type: Start by defining the enum type using the enum keyword followed by the name of the enum type. For example:

cpp enum Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE };

  1. Assign explicit values: By default, the first enumerator in an enum has a value of 0, and the subsequent enumerators have values incremented by 1. To change the default values, you can assign explicit values to the enumerators. For example:

cpp enum Color { RED = 10, GREEN = 20, BLUE = 30 };

In this case, the enumerator RED will have a value of 10, GREEN will have a value of 20, and BLUE will have a value of 30.

  1. Use the enum: You can now use the enum type in your code by declaring variables of the enum type. For example:

cpp Color myColor = RED;

Here, myColor is a variable of type Color, and it is assigned the value RED.

By following these steps, you can change the default values of enums in C++.