infinity C++

Infinity in C++

To represent infinity in C++, you can use the std::numeric_limits class from the <limits> header. The std::numeric_limits class provides information about the properties of arithmetic types, including the representation of infinity.

First, include the <limits> header at the top of your C++ file:

#include <limits>

Next, use the std::numeric_limits template to obtain the infinity value for a specific data type. For example, to get the infinity value for a double, you can use the following code:

double infinity = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

This code retrieves the infinity value for the double data type and assigns it to the variable infinity. You can similarly obtain the infinity value for other data types such as float, int, long, etc., by replacing double with the desired data type.

Using std::numeric_limits is a portable and reliable way to obtain infinity in C++ regardless of the underlying system's representation of infinity.