gcc compile multi thread

To compile a multi-threaded program in C++ using the gcc compiler, you can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Write the C++ code

First, you need to write the C++ code that includes the multi-threading functionality. This typically involves including the <thread> header file and using the std::thread class to create and manage threads.

Step 2: Save the C++ code

Save the C++ code in a file with a .cpp extension. For example, you can save the file as main.cpp.

Step 3: Open a terminal or command prompt

Open a terminal or command prompt on your system. This is the interface where you can enter commands to interact with the compiler.

Step 4: Navigate to the directory containing the C++ code

Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where you have saved the C++ code. For example, if the code is saved in the Documents directory, you can use the command cd Documents to navigate to that directory.

Step 5: Compile the C++ code

To compile the C++ code using the gcc compiler, you can use the following command:

g++ -std=c++11 -pthread main.cpp -o main

Let's break down this command: - g++ is the command to invoke the gcc compiler. - -std=c++11 specifies the C++ language standard to use. This is necessary to enable features used in the code. - -pthread is a flag that tells the compiler to link the pthread library, which is required for multi-threading support. - main.cpp is the name of the C++ source file. - -o main specifies the name of the output executable. In this case, the output will be a file named main.

Step 6: Execute the compiled program

After the compilation is successful, you can execute the compiled program by running the following command:


This command runs the main executable generated by the previous step.

That's it! You have successfully compiled and executed a multi-threaded program using the gcc compiler in C++.