C++ Assignment Operators

C++ Assignment Operators

In C++, assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. There are several assignment operators available in C++, including the simple assignment operator (=) and compound assignment operators such as +=, -=, *=, /=, and %=.

The simple assignment operator (=) is used to assign the value on the right-hand side of the operator to the variable on the left-hand side. For example:

int x = 5;

In this example, the value 5 is assigned to the variable x.

Compound assignment operators combine an arithmetic operation with assignment. For example, the += operator adds the value on the right-hand side to the variable on the left-hand side and assigns the result back to the variable. Here's an example:

int x = 5;
x += 3; // equivalent to x = x + 3

In this example, the value of x is incremented by 3, and the result (8) is assigned back to x.

Other compound assignment operators work in a similar way, performing the specified arithmetic operation and assigning the result back to the variable.

It's important to note that assignment operators in C++ can be overloaded for user-defined types, allowing custom behavior for assignment. However, this explanation focuses on the built-in assignment operators for fundamental types.