cpp merge two sets

To merge two sets in C++, you can use the insert function of the std::set container. Here are the steps to merge two sets:

  1. Declare two sets: Let's assume we have two sets named set1 and set2.

  2. Insert elements into the first set: You can insert elements into set1 using the insert function. For example:

  1. Insert elements into the second set: Similarly, you can insert elements into set2:
  1. Merge the two sets: To merge the two sets, you can use the insert function on set1 and pass the beginning and ending iterators of set2. This will insert all the elements from set2 into set1. Here's an example:
set1.insert(set2.begin(), set2.end());

After this step, set1 will contain the merged elements from both set1 and set2.

That's it! You have successfully merged two sets in C++ using the insert function.