google snake game

To create a snake game in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up the game window: Start by including the necessary libraries, such as iostream, conio, and windows. Then, define the game window size and title using the SetConsoleWindowInfo and SetConsoleTitle functions.

  2. Create the game board: Declare a 2D array to represent the game board. Each element of the array represents a cell on the board. Initialize the board with empty spaces.

  3. Initialize the snake: Define a struct to represent the snake's body. The struct should include the coordinates of each segment of the snake and the length of the snake. Initialize the snake's starting position, direction, and length.

  4. Generate food: Randomly generate the coordinates for the food on the game board. Ensure that the food does not appear on any occupied cell.

  5. Handle input: Use the _kbhit function to check if a key is pressed. If a key is pressed, use the _getch function to get the key code. Map the key code to a direction for the snake to move.

  6. Update the game state: In a loop, update the snake's position based on its direction. Check for collisions with the boundaries of the game board and with the snake's body. If the snake collides with the food, increase its length and generate new food. Update the game board accordingly.

  7. Display the game: Use nested loops to iterate through the game board and display the elements on the console. Print the snake's body segments, the food, and the empty spaces.

  8. Game over condition: Check if the snake collides with the boundaries of the game board or with its own body. If so, end the game and display the score.

  9. Game loop: Put the game logic in a loop that continues until the game is over. This allows the player to play multiple times without restarting the program.

  10. Play again: After the game ends, prompt the player if they want to play again. If yes, reset the game state and go back to step 3. If not, exit the program.

Remember to include the necessary function definitions, variable declarations, and any additional functions required to implement the game logic.