cpp vector popback

The pop_back function in C++ is used to remove the last element from a vector. Here are the steps involved in using pop_back:

  1. The pop_back function is a member function of the vector class in C++. It does not take any arguments.

  2. When pop_back is called on a vector, it removes the last element from the vector. This operation reduces the size of the vector by one.

  3. The removed element is not returned by the pop_back function. If you need to access the removed element, you should do so before calling pop_back.

  4. If the vector is empty (i.e., it has no elements), calling pop_back will result in undefined behavior. It is a good practice to check if the vector is empty before calling pop_back.

  5. After calling pop_back, the vector's size is reduced by one. The capacity of the vector (i.e., the amount of memory allocated to hold the elements) remains unchanged unless you explicitly call the shrink_to_fit function.

  6. If you want to remove multiple elements from a vector, you can call pop_back in a loop or use other functions like erase to remove elements at specific positions.

That's it! These are the steps involved in using the pop_back function in C++.