C++ new Operator

The new operator in C++ is used to dynamically allocate memory for a new object or array. It returns a pointer to the allocated memory. Here are the steps involved in using the new operator:

  1. The new operator is followed by the data type and optional constructor arguments in parentheses if the object being allocated is a class type.
  2. When the new operator is used to allocate memory for an array, the size of the array is specified within brackets following the data type.
  3. If memory allocation is successful, the new operator returns a pointer to the allocated memory.
  4. It is important to check if the memory allocation was successful by comparing the returned pointer to nullptr.
  5. Once the allocated memory is no longer needed, it should be deallocated using the delete operator to prevent memory leaks.

Keep in mind that proper memory management is crucial when using the new operator to avoid memory leaks and undefined behavior.