cmath sqrt

<cmath> is a header file in C++ that provides mathematical functions and operations. One of the functions in <cmath> is sqrt(), which calculates the square root of a given number.

To use the sqrt() function, you need to include the <cmath> header file at the beginning of your program.

Here are the steps to use the sqrt() function in C++:

  1. Include the <cmath> header file at the beginning of your program:

cpp #include <cmath>

  1. Declare a variable to store the result of the square root calculation:

cpp double result;

  1. Use the sqrt() function to calculate the square root of a number and assign the result to the variable:

cpp result = sqrt(16.0);

In this example, the sqrt() function is called with the argument 16.0 to calculate the square root of 16.

  1. You can then use the result variable in further calculations or display it as output:

cpp std::cout << "The square root of 16 is: " << result << std::endl;

This will output: "The square root of 16 is: 4".

The sqrt() function is a useful tool in C++ for calculating the square root of a number. By including the <cmath> header file and following the steps outlined above, you can easily incorporate this function into your C++ programs.