c++ threadpool

  1. Create a class for the thread pool. This class will manage the pool of threads and the tasks to be executed.

  2. Inside the class, create a container to hold the threads and a queue to hold the tasks.

  3. Initialize the threads in the constructor of the thread pool class. The number of threads in the pool should be based on the available hardware concurrency.

  4. Create a method to add tasks to the queue. This method should be synchronized to ensure thread safety.

  5. Create a method that each thread will use to wait for and execute tasks from the queue.

  6. When a task is added, a thread from the pool should be assigned to execute it.

  7. To use the thread pool, create tasks that can be run concurrently and add them to the thread pool.

  8. Make sure to join all the threads in the destructor of the thread pool class to ensure proper cleanup.