C++ set swap

The swap() function in C++ is used to exchange the values of two sets. Here is an explanation of each step involved in swapping two sets using the swap() function:

  1. Include the necessary header file: Begin by including the header file, which contains the necessary functions and definitions for working with sets in C++.

  2. Declare the sets: Declare two sets, let's say set1 and set2, of the same data type. For example, you can declare them as follows: std::set set1; std::set set2;

  3. Insert elements into the sets: Insert some elements into set1 and set2 using the insert() function. For example: set1.insert(1); set1.insert(2); set1.insert(3); set2.insert(4); set2.insert(5); set2.insert(6);

  4. Swap the sets: Use the swap() function to swap the contents of set1 and set2. The syntax for swapping two sets using the swap() function is: set1.swap(set2);

  5. Verify the swap: After swapping, the elements of set1 will be the elements originally present in set2, and vice versa. You can verify this by iterating over the sets and printing their contents. For example: for(const auto& element : set1) { std::cout << element << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; for(const auto& element : set2) { std::cout << element << " "; } std::cout << std::endl;

  6. Output: The output of the above code will be: 4 5 6 1 2 3, which indicates that the swap() function successfully exchanged the values of set1 and set2.

That's it! You have successfully swapped two sets using the swap() function in C++.