stack algorithm in c++

Stack Algorithm in C++

Step 1: Define a Stack

The first step in implementing a stack algorithm in C++ is to define a stack data structure. This can be done using the built-in std::stack class provided by the C++ Standard Library. You can include the necessary header file:

#include <stack>

And then define a stack object:

std::stack<int> myStack;

In this example, we are creating a stack of integers, but you can replace int with any other data type as needed.

Step 2: Push Elements to the Stack

To add elements to the stack, you can use the push() function. For example:


In this case, we are pushing the integers 10, 20, and 30 onto the stack in that order.

Step 3: Check if the Stack is Empty

To check if the stack is empty, you can use the empty() function. It returns true if the stack is empty, and false otherwise. For example:

if (myStack.empty()) {
    // Stack is empty
} else {
    // Stack is not empty

Step 4: Access the Top Element

To access the top element of the stack without removing it, you can use the top() function. For example:

int topElement =;

In this case, the variable topElement will contain the value of the top element of the stack, which in this example would be 30.

Step 5: Pop Elements from the Stack

To remove the top element from the stack, you can use the pop() function. For example:


This will remove the top element from the stack.

Step 6: Get the Size of the Stack

To get the number of elements currently in the stack, you can use the size() function. For example:

int stackSize = myStack.size();

In this case, the variable stackSize will contain the number of elements in the stack.

Step 7: Process the Elements in the Stack

You can iterate over the elements in the stack using a loop. One common approach is to use a while loop and repeatedly pop elements from the stack until it becomes empty. For example:

while (!myStack.empty()) {
    int element =;
    // Process the element

In this case, the loop will continue as long as the stack is not empty. Inside the loop, we retrieve the top element, process it, and then remove it from the stack using the pop() function.

This is a basic outline of a stack algorithm in C++. You can customize it as per your specific requirements and data types.