ue4 log

To use the UE4 log system in C++, follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary header file: To access the UE4 log system, include the "Logging/LogMacros.h" header file in your C++ file.

  2. Define a log category: Before using the log system, define a log category by declaring a static variable of type LogCategory. For example, you can define a log category called "MyLogCategory" like this: static const auto MyLogCategory = LogCategory("MyCategory");

  3. Use the log macros: The UE4 log system provides several macros for different log levels. Here are some commonly used ones:

  4. UE_LOG: This macro allows you to log a message with a specified log level. It takes three arguments: the log category, the log level, and the message. For example: UE_LOG(MyLogCategory, Log, TEXT("This is a log message"));

  5. UE_LOG_CONDITIONAL: This macro is similar to UE_LOG, but it also takes a condition as the first argument. The log message will only be printed if the condition is true. For example: UE_LOG_CONDITIONAL(true, MyLogCategory, Log, TEXT("This is a conditional log message"));

  6. UE_LOG_VERBOSE: This macro is used to log verbose messages. It is similar to UE_LOG but uses the verbose log level. For example: UE_LOG_VERBOSE(MyLogCategory, TEXT("This is a verbose log message"));

  7. UE_LOG_ERROR: This macro is used to log error messages. It is similar to UE_LOG but uses the error log level. For example: UE_LOG_ERROR(MyLogCategory, TEXT("This is an error log message"));

  8. Build and run your project: After adding the log statements, build and run your project. The log messages will be displayed in the output log window in the Unreal Editor.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the UE4 log system in your C++ code to track and debug your game or application.