c++ in cmd

To run a C++ program in the command prompt (cmd), follow these steps:

  1. Open the command prompt: Go to the Start menu, type "cmd" in the search bar, and press Enter. This will open the command prompt window.

  2. Navigate to the directory: Use the "cd" command to navigate to the directory where your C++ program is located. For example, if your program is saved in the "C:\MyPrograms" directory, enter the following command: cd C:\MyPrograms

  3. Compile the program: Use the "g++" command to compile your C++ program. For example, if your program file is named "program.cpp", enter the following command: g++ program.cpp

  4. Run the program: After successfully compiling the program, you can execute it by entering its name (without the file extension) in the command prompt. For example, if your program file is named "program.cpp", enter the following command: program

  5. View the output: The output of your C++ program will be displayed in the command prompt window.

Remember to save your C++ program in a text file with the ".cpp" extension before following these steps.