integer to char c++

To convert an integer to a char in C++, you can use the std::to_chars function. This function is available in C++17 and later versions. Here are the steps to convert an integer to a char:

  1. Include the necessary header file:
#include <charconv>
  1. Declare a buffer to hold the char value:
char buffer[20]; // Assuming a maximum of 20 digits for the integer
  1. Use the std::to_chars function to convert the integer to a char:
int number = 123;
auto result = std::to_chars(buffer, buffer + sizeof(buffer), number);
  1. Check if the conversion was successful:
if ( == std::errc()) {
    // Conversion was successful
    char* ptr = buffer;
    while (ptr != result.ptr) {
        // Process each char value
        char c = *ptr;
        // Do something with the char

In the code above, buffer is an array of characters that will hold the converted value. The std::to_chars function takes the buffer as its first two parameters and the number to be converted as the third parameter. It returns a std::to_chars_result object, which contains information about the conversion.

The ec member of the std::to_chars_result object is an error code. If the conversion was successful, it will be set to std::errc(). The ptr member points to the end of the converted value in the buffer.

You can then process each char value in the buffer and do something with it.

Note: If you are using an older version of C++ that does not have the std::to_chars function, you can use std::sprintf or std::snprintf functions to achieve the same result. However, these functions are less efficient and may have security risks if not used carefully.