standard template library in c++

The standard template library (STL) in C++ provides a set of template classes and functions to work with data structures and algorithms. The following are the main components of STL:

  1. Containers: A container is a class template that holds objects of a certain type. Examples include vectors, lists, and queues.

  2. Algorithms: The STL provides a range of algorithms to perform operations on containers. These include sorting, searching, and modifying elements in a container.

  3. Iterators: Iterators are used to iterate through the elements of a container. They provide a way to access the elements sequentially.

  4. Functors: Functors, also known as function objects, are objects that can be called as if they were functions. They are often used in conjunction with algorithms like sorting and searching.

  5. Other components: Other components of the STL include allocators for memory management and utilities like pairs and tuples.

By using the STL, you can leverage pre-built data structures and algorithms, saving time and effort in implementing common operations.