
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

int main() {
    // Step 1: Declare variables
    double principal, rate, time, compoundInterest;

    // Step 2: Get user input
    std::cout << "Enter principal amount: ";
    std::cin >> principal;

    std::cout << "Enter annual interest rate (in percentage): ";
    std::cin >> rate;

    std::cout << "Enter time in years: ";
    std::cin >> time;

    // Step 3: Convert interest rate to decimal and calculate compound interest
    rate /= 100; // Convert percentage to decimal
    compoundInterest = principal * std::pow(1 + rate, time) - principal;

    // Step 4: Display the result
    std::cout << "Compound Interest after " << time << " years: " << compoundInterest << std::endl;

    return 0;