c++ template vs code

A C++ template is a tool used to define a family of classes or functions based on one common template. It allows for the creation of generic types and functions. To create a C++ template, use the template keyword followed by the template parameters and then the generic code that uses those parameters.

To use a C++ template, specify the template type(s) within angle brackets when declaring an instance of the template class or calling a template function.

Here's an example of a template class:

template <class T>
class MyTemplate {
  T value;
  void setValue(T val) {
    value = val;
  T getValue() {
    return value;

And an example of using the template class:

MyTemplate<int> intTemplate;
int value = intTemplate.getValue();

When using a C++ template, be mindful of potential code bloat as each instantiation of a template will create a separate copy of the code for that particular type.