boost filesystem get filename without exetention from path

To get the filename without the extension from a path using the Boost Filesystem library in C++, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Include the necessary headers Include the necessary headers for using the Boost Filesystem library:

#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>

Step 2: Create a path object Create a boost::filesystem::path object and initialize it with the desired path:

boost::filesystem::path filePath("/path/to/file.txt");

Step 3: Use the stem() function Use the stem() function of the boost::filesystem::path object to retrieve the filename without the extension:

std::string fileNameWithoutExtension = filePath.stem().string();

This will return the filename without the extension as a std::string.

Step 4: Output the result Finally, you can output the filename without the extension to the console or perform any other desired operations:

std::cout << "Filename without extension: " << fileNameWithoutExtension << std::endl;

Remember to replace "/path/to/file.txt" with the actual path you want to extract the filename from.

That's it! Following these steps will allow you to get the filename without the extension from a given path using the Boost Filesystem library in C++.