max of two elements c++

To find the maximum of two elements in C++, you can use the ternary operator. The ternary operator is a shorthand way of writing an if-else statement in a single line.

Here are the steps to find the maximum of two elements using the ternary operator in C++:

  1. Declare two variables to store the two elements. For example:

int a = 10; int b = 20;

  1. Use the ternary operator to compare the two variables and assign the maximum value to another variable. For example:

int max = (a > b) ? a : b;

In the above line of code, (a > b) is the condition to check if a is greater than b. If the condition is true, a is assigned to the max variable, otherwise b is assigned.

  1. The value of the maximum element is now stored in the max variable. You can use this value for further processing or display it as needed.

Here's the complete code snippet:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int a = 10;
    int b = 20;

    int max = (a > b) ? a : b;

    std::cout << "The maximum of " << a << " and " << b << " is: " << max << std::endl;

    return 0;

When you run this code, it will output:

The maximum of 10 and 20 is: 20

This shows that the maximum of the two elements 10 and 20 is 20.