how to clear screen in C++ console

To clear the screen in a C++ console, you can use the system command in combination with the appropriate platform-specific command. Here is an example:

#include <cstdlib> // Include the <cstdlib> header for the system function

int main() {
    // Use the system function with the appropriate command to clear the screen
    #ifdef _WIN32 // Check if the code is being compiled on a Windows system
        system("cls"); // Use the "cls" command to clear the screen on Windows
        system("clear"); // Use the "clear" command to clear the screen on Unix-like systems

    return 0;

Let's break down the steps:

  1. Include the <cstdlib> header: This header file provides the system function, which allows you to execute system commands.

  2. Use the system function: This function takes a string argument that represents the command to be executed by the operating system. In our case, we want to execute a command to clear the screen.

  3. Platform-specific command: Depending on the operating system, you need to use different commands to clear the screen. In the example above, we use the #ifdef preprocessor directive to check if the code is being compiled on a Windows system. If so, we use the "cls" command, which is the Windows command to clear the screen. Otherwise, we use the "clear" command, which is the command used on Unix-like systems.

  4. Return 0: The main function in C++ should return an integer value, typically 0, to indicate successful execution.

By using the system command with the appropriate platform-specific command, you can clear the screen in a C++ console application.