c++ how to check whether a file exists?

To check whether a file exists in C++, you can use the <filesystem> library, which provides a set of functions and classes for working with directories and files. Here are the steps to check whether a file exists:

  1. Include the <filesystem> header at the beginning of your code: cpp #include <filesystem>

  2. Use the std::filesystem::exists() function to check if the file exists. This function takes a std::filesystem::path object as an argument and returns a bool value indicating whether the file exists or not. Here's an example: cpp std::filesystem::path filePath("path/to/file.txt"); bool fileExists = std::filesystem::exists(filePath);

In the above code, replace "path/to/file.txt" with the actual path to the file you want to check.

  1. You can then use the fileExists variable to perform further actions based on whether the file exists or not. For example: cpp if (fileExists) { // File exists, do something } else { // File does not exist, do something else }

That's it! By following these steps, you can check whether a file exists in C++ using the <filesystem> library.