C++ Automatic Conversion from double to int

Automatic conversion from double to int in C++ involves the following steps:

  1. Conversion: The value of the double variable is automatically converted to an int type. This conversion is done by truncating the fractional part of the double value, effectively rounding towards zero. For example, if the double value is 3.14, it will be converted to the int value 3.

  2. Loss of Precision: Since int does not support decimal values, the fractional part of the double value is lost during the conversion. This means that if the double value is 3.99, it will be converted to the int value 3, losing the decimal part.

  3. Data Type Compatibility: The automatic conversion from double to int is possible because int is a narrower data type than double. In C++, a narrower data type can be implicitly converted to a wider data type, but the reverse is not true without explicit type casting.

  4. Possible Overflow: It is important to note that if the double value is too large to fit into an int, an overflow will occur during the conversion. In such cases, the behavior is undefined, and the result of the conversion may not be meaningful.

Here is an example of automatic conversion from double to int in C++:

double doubleValue = 3.14;
int intValue = doubleValue; // Automatic conversion from double to int

cout << "Double Value: " << doubleValue << endl;
cout << "Integer Value: " << intValue << endl;


Double Value: 3.14
Integer Value: 3

In the above example, the double value 3.14 is automatically converted to the int value 3, and both values are printed to the console.