
std::throw_with_nested is a function in the C++ programming language. It is used to throw an exception along with any nested exception that may have caused it. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how std::throw_with_nested works:

  1. When std::throw_with_nested is called, it takes an exception object as its argument. This exception object represents the exception that occurred.

  2. The function creates a new exception object, which is constructed by wrapping the original exception object inside it. This new exception object is called a nested exception.

  3. The nested exception is then stored inside the original exception object. This means that the original exception object now contains both its own information and the nested exception.

  4. Finally, the function throws the original exception object, along with the nested exception that it contains. This means that when the exception is caught by an exception handler, both the original exception and the nested exception can be accessed and handled separately.

Overall, std::throw_with_nested provides a convenient way to throw exceptions that include information about any nested exceptions that may have occurred. This can be useful for debugging and error handling purposes, as it allows developers to get more detailed information about the cause of an exception.