C++ float and double

float and double are two data types in the C++ programming language that are used to represent real numbers with decimal points.

  1. Declaration: In C++, a float variable can be declared using the keyword "float," followed by the variable name. For example, "float myFloat;"

  2. Initialization: After declaration, a float variable can be assigned a value using the assignment operator "=" followed by the desired value. For example, "myFloat = 3.14;"

  3. Precision: Float variables have a precision of approximately 6 decimal places.

  4. Range: The range of values that can be stored in a float variable is typically from approximately 1.2e-38 to 3.4e+38.

  5. Declaration: Similarly, a double variable can be declared using the keyword "double," followed by the variable name. For example, "double myDouble;"

  6. Initialization: A double variable can be assigned a value using the assignment operator "=" followed by the desired value. For example, "myDouble = 3.14159;"

  7. Precision: Double variables have a higher precision than float variables, typically around 15 decimal places.

  8. Range: The range of values that can be stored in a double variable is typically from approximately 2.3e-308 to 1.7e+308.

In summary, float and double are data types in C++ used to represent real numbers with decimal points. Float has lower precision and a smaller range compared to double, while double has higher precision and a larger range.