// Step 1: Include necessary header file
#include <iostream>

// Step 2: Define main function
int main() {

  // Step 3: Declare variables
  int var = 5;
  int *ptr;

  // Step 4: Assign address of 'var' to pointer 'ptr'
  ptr = &var;

  // Step 5: Display the value of 'var'
  std::cout << "Value of var: " << var << std::endl;

  // Step 6: Display the address of 'var' using the pointer 'ptr'
  std::cout << "Address of var: " << ptr << std::endl;

  // Step 7: Display the value at the address stored in 'ptr'
  std::cout << "Value at the address pointed by ptr: " << *ptr << std::endl;

  // Step 8: Modify the value of 'var' through the pointer 'ptr'
  *ptr = 10;

  // Step 9: Display the updated value of 'var'
  std::cout << "Updated value of var: " << var << std::endl;

  // Step 10: Create a pointer with the 'new' keyword
  int *dynPtr = new int;

  // Step 11: Allocate memory for the dynamic pointer
  *dynPtr = 20;

  // Step 12: Display the value stored in the dynamic pointer
  std::cout << "Value of dynPtr: " << *dynPtr << std::endl;

  // Step 13: Deallocate memory for the dynamic pointer
  delete dynPtr;

  // Step 14: Set pointer to nullptr after deletion
  dynPtr = nullptr;

  // Step 15: Return 0 to indicate successful execution
  return 0;