51 13 C:\Users\usuario\Documents\Destajo 1.cpp [Error] 'gotoxy' was not declared in this scope

Explanation of the Error 'gotoxy' was not declared in this scope:

  1. Scope of 'gotoxy' Function: The error message indicates that the function 'gotoxy' was not declared within the current scope.

  2. Function Declaration: In C++, functions need to be declared before they are used. If the 'gotoxy' function is being used but not declared, the compiler will raise an error.

  3. Potential Solutions: To resolve this error, ensure that the 'gotoxy' function is properly declared before its usage. This can be achieved by including the appropriate header file or defining the function at the beginning of the code.

  4. Header Files: If 'gotoxy' is a custom function, ensure that its prototype or definition is present in a header file that is included in the source file where the function is being called.

  5. Correct Declaration: Once the function is properly declared, the error should be resolved, and the program should compile successfully.