a function to create double quotes for alphabet in c++

To create a function that adds double quotes to an alphabet in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the function: Start by defining the function, specifying its return type and parameters. In this case, the function doesn't need any parameters and returns a string.
std::string addQuotes() {
    // Function body will be added in the next steps
  1. Declare a variable: Declare a variable of type std::string to store the result.
std::string addQuotes() {
    std::string result;
    // Function body will be added in the next steps
  1. Append double quotes: Use the + operator to concatenate double quotes (") before and after the alphabet. Assign the result to the result variable.
std::string addQuotes() {
    std::string result;
    result = "\"" + alphabet + "\"";
    // Function body will be added in the next steps
  1. Return the result: Add a return statement at the end of the function to return the result string.
std::string addQuotes() {
    std::string result;
    result = "\"" + alphabet + "\"";
    return result;

Putting it all together, the complete function to create double quotes for an alphabet in C++ would look like this:

std::string addQuotes() {
    std::string result;
    result = "\"" + alphabet + "\"";
    return result;

Note: In the code above, the variable alphabet is assumed to be already defined with the desired alphabet. If you want the function to accept an alphabet as a parameter, you can modify the function declaration and update the code accordingly.