Cod Cold War no recoil

To create a no recoil feature for Call of Duty: Cold War using C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by including the necessary headers for your program. You will need the header to interact with the Windows API, and any other headers specific to your project.

  2. Declare the required global variables and constants. These variables will store memory addresses and values needed to manipulate the game's recoil behavior. You may need to use tools like Cheat Engine to find the appropriate memory addresses.

  3. Create a function to update the recoil values. This function will be responsible for modifying the memory addresses that control the recoil. You can use functions like WriteProcessMemory() from the Windows API to write new values to these memory addresses.

  4. Implement the main() function to execute your code. This function will contain the game loop and handle user input. You can use a while loop to continuously update the recoil values while the game is running.

  5. Inside the game loop, check for user input to enable or disable the no recoil feature. You can use functions like GetAsyncKeyState() from the Windows API to detect key presses.

  6. When the user input is detected, call the update recoil function to modify the game's memory addresses accordingly. You can set the recoil values to zero or modify them based on your preferences.

  7. Compile and run your program. Make sure to test it in the game to see if the no recoil feature is working as intended. Adjust the recoil values or tweak the code if necessary.

Note: It's important to mention that using cheats or hacks in online multiplayer games is considered unethical and against the terms of service of most games. It can result in penalties or even permanent bans. It's always best to play games fair and enjoy them as intended by the developers.