opengl text rendering with 3d rendering

To achieve OpenGL text rendering with 3D rendering in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Initialize OpenGL: Set up the OpenGL environment including the window, viewport, and any required settings.

  2. Load the font: Load the font file that contains the characters and symbols to be rendered as textures.

  3. Create a shader program: Compile and link the vertex and fragment shaders to render the text on the 3D environment.

  4. Generate texture for each character: Create textures for each character in the font file using the loaded font data.

  5. Create a vertex buffer: Define the vertices and texture coordinates for each character to be rendered.

  6. Render the 3D scene: Set up the 3D scene with the desired objects and lighting.

  7. Render the text: Use the shader program to render the text by mapping the appropriate textures to the defined vertices.

  8. Clean up: Properly release the resources used for text rendering, such as the font data and shader program.