C++ mutex header

The C++ mutex header provides functionality for mutual exclusion, which ensures that only one thread can access a shared resource at a time. Here are the explanations for each step involved in using the C++ mutex header:

  1. Include the header file: To use the mutex functionality in C++, you need to include the <mutex> header file in your code. This header file contains the necessary definitions and declarations for using mutexes.

  2. Declare a mutex object: To create a mutex, you need to declare an object of the std::mutex class. This object will be used to lock and unlock the critical section of code that needs to be protected from concurrent access.

  3. Lock the mutex: Before accessing the shared resource, you need to lock the mutex using the lock() method of the mutex object. This ensures that only one thread can proceed and access the critical section while other threads wait for the mutex to be unlocked.

  4. Access the shared resource: Once the mutex is locked, the thread can safely access the shared resource without worrying about other threads interfering with it.

  5. Unlock the mutex: After the thread is done accessing the shared resource, it needs to unlock the mutex using the unlock() method of the mutex object. This allows other threads to acquire the mutex and access the critical section.

By following these steps, you can ensure that multiple threads can safely access a shared resource without causing data races or conflicts. The mutex provides synchronization and mutual exclusion, making your code thread-safe.