initialize variable in switch case c++

In C++, you can initialize variables within a switch case statement by using a block scope. Here's an example:

switch (expression) {
    case 1: {
        int x = 10;
        // Rest of the code
    case 2: {
        int y = 20;
        // Rest of the code
    default: {
        int z = 30;
        // Rest of the code

In this example, we have a switch case statement with three cases: 1, 2, and the default case. In each case, we define a variable within a block scope using curly braces {}.

When a case is matched, the code within that case is executed, and the respective variable is initialized. For example, if expression evaluates to 1, the code within the first case will execute, and the variable x will be initialized with the value 10.

It's important to note that each variable is only accessible within its respective case block. Once the case block is exited, the variable goes out of scope and cannot be accessed anymore.

By initializing variables within a switch case statement, you can have different variables with the same name in different cases without causing naming conflicts. However, make sure to only use the variables within their respective case blocks to avoid any unintended behavior or confusion in your code.