
To find all subsequences of a given string in C++, you can use the following steps:

  1. Start by defining a function to generate all the subsequences of a given string. This function will take the original string, an empty string to build the subsequences, and the current index in the original string as parameters.

  2. Inside the function, if the current index is equal to the length of the original string, print the built subsequence and return.

  3. If the current index is less than the length of the original string, there are two cases to consider: one where the current character is included in the subsequence, and one where it is not. Recur for both cases by calling the function with the current index incremented and the subsequence built so far appended with the current character, and then without the current character.

  4. After defining the function, call it with the original string, an empty string to start building the subsequences, and the index initialized to 0.

Implementing these steps will generate all the subsequences of the given string in C++.