templates of templates c++

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Templates of templates in C++ involve the use of template parameters that are themselves templates. This allows for the creation of generic classes and functions that can work with various types of data structures. Here's an example to illustrate the concept:

template <typename T>
class Container {
    T element;
    void setElement(T const& value) { element = value; }
    T getElement() const { return element; }

template <template <typename> class Container, typename T>
class NestedContainer {
    Container<T> element;
    void setElement(T const& value) { element.setElement(value); }
    T getElement() const { return element.getElement(); }

In this example, Container is a generic class template, and NestedContainer is a class template that takes another template Container as a template parameter. This allows NestedContainer to work with different types of containers. The usage of templates of templates in C++ provides flexibility and reusability in code, making it a powerful feature for generic programming.