comment installer boost c++ sur windows

To install Boost C++ on Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Boost library: Visit the official Boost website at and navigate to the Downloads section. Choose the version of Boost that you want to install and click on the download link.

  2. Extract the downloaded file: Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded file and extract its contents to a directory of your choice. You can use a tool like 7-Zip or WinRAR to extract the files.

  3. Set up environment variables: Open the Windows Start menu and search for "Environment Variables". Click on "Edit the system environment variables" to open the System Properties window. In the Advanced tab, click on the "Environment Variables" button. In the System variables section, click on "New" and enter the following information:

  4. Variable name: BOOST_ROOT
  5. Variable value: The path to the directory where you extracted the Boost library files.

  6. Build Boost: Open a command prompt and navigate to the Boost directory. Run the following commands:

  7. bootstrap.bat: This command prepares Boost for building.
  8. b2: This command builds the Boost libraries. You can specify additional options like "--with-" to build specific libraries.

  9. Install Boost: After the build process completes, run the following command:

  10. b2 install: This command installs the Boost libraries to the default location.

  11. Verify the installation: To verify that Boost has been successfully installed, create a simple C++ program that uses a Boost library and compile it using a C++ compiler. If the program compiles and runs without any errors, Boost is installed correctly.

That's it! You have successfully installed Boost C++ on Windows. You can now start using Boost libraries in your C++ projects.