18 in 12 hour time

To convert 18 in 12-hour time to its equivalent 12-hour format, follow these steps:

  1. Subtract 12 from the given hour if it is greater than 12. In this case, 18 is greater than 12, so subtract 12 from 18:

18 - 12 = 6

The result is 6.

  1. Check if the result is 0. If it is, change it to 12. In this case, the result is not 0, so no change is needed.

  2. Determine whether the given hour is in the AM or PM period. In the 12-hour format, 12 PM represents noon, while 12 AM represents midnight.

  3. If the original hour is less than 12, it is in the AM period.

  4. If the original hour is equal to or greater than 12, it is in the PM period.

In this case, the original hour is 18, which is greater than 12, so it is in the PM period.

Therefore, 18 in the 12-hour time format is equivalent to 6 PM.