split 2d array into chunks in c++

To split a 2D array into chunks in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Determine the size of each chunk: Decide on the number of rows and columns that each chunk should have. This will depend on your specific requirements.

  2. Calculate the number of chunks: Find out how many chunks you will need to create by dividing the total number of rows and columns in the 2D array by the size of each chunk.

  3. Create a vector of vectors: Declare a vector of vectors, where each vector represents a chunk. This will allow you to store the split chunks of the 2D array.

  4. Iterate through the 2D array: Use nested for loops to iterate through the rows and columns of the 2D array.

  5. Extract elements for each chunk: Inside the nested loops, extract the elements from the 2D array and store them in the corresponding chunk vector. You can use the modulus operator (%) to determine which chunk the current element belongs to.

  6. Add the chunk vector to the vector of chunks: After extracting the elements for each chunk, add the chunk vector to the vector of vectors that you created earlier.

  7. Repeat until all elements are processed: Keep iterating through the 2D array until you have extracted all the elements and added them to their respective chunks.

  8. Access the split chunks: You can now access each individual chunk by using the index of the vector of vectors. For example, to access the first chunk, you can use vectorOfChunks[0].

Remember to include the necessary header files and initialize any variables required. This process will allow you to split a 2D array into chunks in C++.