return value optimization example

Sure! Here is an example of return value optimization in C++:

#include <iostream>

class MyClass {
  MyClass() {
    std::cout << "Constructor called" << std::endl;

  MyClass(const MyClass& other) {
    std::cout << "Copy constructor called" << std::endl;

  ~MyClass() {
    std::cout << "Destructor called" << std::endl;

MyClass createObject() {
  MyClass obj;
  return obj;

int main() {
  MyClass newObj = createObject();

  return 0;

Step 1: Include the necessary headers

The code includes the iostream header, which is required to use the std::cout and std::endl statements.

Step 2: Define a class

The code defines a class called MyClass with a default constructor, copy constructor, and destructor. The constructors and destructor are used to print messages to the console to indicate when they are called.

Step 3: Define a function that creates an object

The code defines a function called createObject that returns an object of type MyClass. Inside the function, an object obj of type MyClass is created.

Step 4: Call the function and assign the returned object to a variable

In the main function, the createObject function is called and the returned object is assigned to a variable newObj of type MyClass.

Step 5: Output the result

The program ends and returns 0. During the execution, the constructor, copy constructor, and destructor of MyClass are called.


Return value optimization (RVO) is a compiler optimization technique that eliminates unnecessary copies of objects when returning from a function. In this example, RVO occurs when the createObject function is called.

When the function is called, the object obj is created inside the function. Normally, when the function returns, a copy of obj would be created and returned. However, with RVO, the compiler optimizes the code and directly constructs the returned object newObj at the call site of createObject. This eliminates the need for a copy constructor call.

In the example, you can see that the constructor is called when obj is created, but the copy constructor is not called when newObj is constructed. This is because RVO optimizes the code and directly constructs newObj without the need for a copy.

By eliminating unnecessary copies, RVO can improve the performance of C++ programs by reducing the number of constructor and destructor calls.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.