pascal's triangle in c++ through pointer

#include <iostream>

void printPascalTriangle(int n) {
    int triangle[n][n];

    for (int line = 0; line < n; line++) {
        for (int i = 0; i <= line; i++) {
            if (i == 0 || i == line)
                triangle[line][i] = 1;
                triangle[line][i] = triangle[line - 1][i - 1] + triangle[line - 1][i];

            std::cout << triangle[line][i] << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;

int main() {
    int n;
    std::cout << "Enter the number of rows for Pascal's triangle: ";
    std::cin >> n;


    return 0;

Step 1: Including necessary header file

The code starts with including the necessary header file iostream which provides input/output operations in C++.

Step 2: Defining the function printPascalTriangle

The code defines a function printPascalTriangle which takes an integer parameter n. This function will be responsible for printing Pascal's triangle.

Step 3: Declaring a 2D array for Pascal's triangle

Inside the printPascalTriangle function, a 2D array triangle of size n by n is declared. This array will store the values of Pascal's triangle.

Step 4: Generating Pascal's triangle values

The code uses nested loops to generate the values of Pascal's triangle. The outer loop line iterates from 0 to n-1 to represent each row of the triangle. The inner loop i iterates from 0 to line to represent each element in the row.

Step 5: Assigning values to the boundary elements

Inside the inner loop, a conditional statement is used to assign the value 1 to the boundary elements of each row. If i is equal to 0 or equal to line, it means the element is at the beginning or end of the row, so it is assigned the value 1.

Step 6: Calculating values for other elements

For the elements that are not at the boundary, the code calculates their values by adding the corresponding elements from the previous row. The formula used is triangle[line - 1][i - 1] + triangle[line - 1][i].

Step 7: Printing the triangle

After calculating the value of each element, it is printed using std::cout. A space is added after each element. After printing all the elements in a row, a newline is printed using std::endl.

Step 8: Implementing the main function

The code defines the main function which is the entry point of the program. Inside main, an integer variable n is declared to store the number of rows for Pascal's triangle. The user is prompted to enter this value using std::cout. The input is then stored in n using std::cin.

Step 9: Calling the printPascalTriangle function

The printPascalTriangle function is called with the value of n as the argument. This will generate and print Pascal's triangle with the specified number of rows.

Step 10: Returning from main

The main function returns 0 to indicate successful execution of the program.