jquery datepicker default date not working

Explanation of jQuery Datepicker Default Date Not Working in C++

  1. Check jQuery and jQuery UI Versions: Ensure that the versions of jQuery and jQuery UI being used are compatible with each other and with the datepicker plugin.

  2. Verify Date Format: Confirm that the date format being used in the datepicker initialization matches the format of the default date being set.

  3. Inspect Default Date Value: Check the value being assigned to the defaultDate property in the datepicker initialization code to ensure it is a valid date and in the correct format.

  4. Debug with Console Output: Use console.log statements to output the default date value and verify that it is being set correctly.

  5. Check for JavaScript Errors: Look for any JavaScript errors in the browser console that may be preventing the default date from being set properly.

  6. Ensure Initialization Order: Verify that the datepicker initialization code is being called after the DOM is fully loaded to ensure it can correctly set the default date.

  7. Inspect Dependencies: Examine any other scripts or dependencies that may be affecting the datepicker initialization and default date setting.

  8. Test in Isolation: Create a minimal test case with only the datepicker initialization and default date setting to isolate and identify any conflicting code.

  9. Consider Alternative Approaches: If the issue persists, consider using alternative methods to set the default date, such as programmatically setting the date after the datepicker initialization.

  10. Consult Documentation and Community: Refer to the official documentation for jQuery UI datepicker and search developer communities or forums for similar issues and potential solutions.