gdb get return value of function

To get the return value of a function using gdb in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Compile the program with debugging symbols: When compiling your C++ program, you need to include debugging symbols using the -g flag. This will ensure that the program contains all the necessary information for debugging.

  2. Launch gdb: Open a terminal and launch gdb by typing gdb followed by the name of the executable file. For example, if your executable is named "program", you would type gdb program.

  3. Set a breakpoint: Set a breakpoint at the line where the function you want to inspect is called. You can do this by typing break <line_number>, replacing <line_number> with the actual line number. Alternatively, you can set a breakpoint at the function itself by typing break <function_name>.

  4. Run the program: Start running the program by typing run. This will execute the program until it reaches the breakpoint you set.

  5. Step into the function: Once the program hits the breakpoint, you can step into the function by typing step or s. This will execute the first line of the function and stop at the next line.

  6. Print the return value: To print the return value of the function, you can use the print command followed by the function name. For example, if the function is named "myFunction", you would type print myFunction. gdb will then display the return value of the function.

  7. Continue debugging: If you want to continue debugging the program, you can use commands such as next to go to the next line, finish to finish executing the current function, or continue to continue running the program until the next breakpoint.

By following these steps, you can use gdb to get the return value of a function in C++.