is there interfaces in c++ like

Interfaces in C++

In C++, there is a concept called "interfaces," although they are not explicitly defined as such in the language. Instead, C++ achieves interface-like behavior through the use of abstract classes and pure virtual functions.

An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated and is meant to serve as a base class for other classes. It contains at least one pure virtual function, which is a virtual function declared with the = 0 specifier and has no implementation in the base class. By declaring a function as pure virtual, the base class effectively defines an interface that derived classes must implement.

Here is an example of an abstract class in C++:

class Interface {
    virtual void method() = 0; // pure virtual function

Any class that derives from the Interface class must provide an implementation for the method() function. This enforces the contract defined by the interface.

class MyClass : public Interface {
    void method() override {
        // implementation of the method

By using abstract classes and pure virtual functions, C++ allows you to achieve interface-like behavior. Derived classes can implement the required functions, and objects of those derived classes can be treated as instances of the interface.

It's worth noting that C++ does not have a separate keyword or construct specifically for interfaces, as some other programming languages do. Instead, it relies on the concept of abstract classes and pure virtual functions to achieve similar functionality.
