square gcode

To create a square G-code in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary libraries:
  2. iostream for input/output operations
  3. fstream for file input/output operations
  4. string for working with strings

  5. Define the size of the square:

  6. You can use a constant value or ask the user for input.

  7. Open a file for writing:

  8. Use the ofstream class to create and open a file for writing the G-code.

  9. Write the G-code to the file:

  10. Use the << operator to write the G-code commands to the file.
  11. The G-code commands for a square typically include:

    • A starting point (e.g., G00 X0 Y0 to move to the starting position)
    • A series of line commands to draw the sides of the square (e.g., G01 X10 Y0 to move horizontally, G01 X10 Y10 to move vertically, etc.)
    • A closing command to return to the starting point (e.g., G01 X0 Y0 to complete the square)
  12. Close the file:

  13. Use the close() function to close the file after writing the G-code.

Here's an example implementation:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

int main() {
  const int squareSize = 10; // Define the size of the square

  std::ofstream outputFile("square.gcode"); // Open a file for writing

  if (outputFile.is_open()) {
    outputFile << "G00 X0 Y0\n"; // Move to the starting position

    // Draw the sides of the square
    outputFile << "G01 X" << squareSize << " Y0\n";
    outputFile << "G01 X" << squareSize << " Y" << squareSize << "\n";
    outputFile << "G01 X0 Y" << squareSize << "\n";
    outputFile << "G01 X0 Y0\n"; // Return to the starting position

    outputFile.close(); // Close the file
  } else {
    std::cout << "Unable to open the file." << std::endl;

  return 0;

This code will create a file named "square.gcode" and write the G-code commands to draw a square of the specified size.