
  1. Define the Class: Create a class named "Snake" to represent the snake in the game.

  2. Define Data Members: Declare the data members of the Snake class, such as the length of the snake, its position, and the direction it is moving.

  3. Define Member Functions: Implement member functions for the Snake class, such as functions to move the snake, check for collisions, and increase its length.

  4. Initialize the Snake: Instantiate the Snake class and initialize its position, length, and direction.

  5. Handle User Input: Capture user input to change the direction of the snake as it moves on the screen.

  6. Update Snake Position: Update the position of the snake based on its current direction and speed.

  7. Check for Collisions: Implement logic to check for collisions with walls, obstacles, or the snake's own body.

  8. Increase Snake Length: When the snake eats food, increase its length and update the score.

  9. Display the Snake: Render the snake on the screen using appropriate graphics or ASCII characters.

  10. Game Over Condition: Define the conditions for the game to end, such as when the snake collides with a wall or itself.

  11. Handle Game Over: Display game over message and handle restart or exit options.