C++ Initializing a thread with a class/object

To initialize a thread with a class/object in C++, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Create a class that defines the functionality you want the thread to perform. This class should have a member function that will be executed when the thread starts. Let's call this member function "threadFunction".

  2. In the class definition, declare a private member variable to hold the thread object. You can use the std::thread class from the C++ Standard Library for this purpose. Let's call this variable "myThread".

  3. In the constructor of the class, initialize the "myThread" variable by passing the address of the class object and the address of the "threadFunction" member function to the std::thread constructor. This will create a new thread that will execute the "threadFunction" when started.

  4. Define a public member function in the class to start the thread. This function can be called from outside the class to initiate the execution of the "threadFunction". Let's call this function "startThread".

  5. Inside the "startThread" function, call the "myThread.join()" function to start the execution of the thread.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates the initialization of a thread with a class/object in C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

class MyClass {
    MyClass() {
        myThread = std::thread(&MyClass::threadFunction, this);

    ~MyClass() {
        if (myThread.joinable()) {

    void startThread() {
        if (!myThread.joinable()) {
            myThread = std::thread(&MyClass::threadFunction, this);

    std::thread myThread;

    void threadFunction() {
        // Perform the desired functionality of the thread here
        std::cout << "Thread is running..." << std::endl;

int main() {
    MyClass obj;

    return 0;

In this example, the "MyClass" defines a simple thread that prints a message when it starts. The constructor of the class initializes the "myThread" variable by passing the address of the class object and the address of the "threadFunction" member function to the std::thread constructor. The destructor of the class waits for the thread to finish before the object is destroyed. The "startThread" function starts the execution of the thread.

Please note that this example only demonstrates the basic steps to initialize a thread with a class/object in C++. Depending on your specific requirements, you may need to modify the code accordingly.