compile c++ MPI Program

To compile a C++ MPI program, follow these steps:

  1. Install MPI: MPI (Message Passing Interface) is a library specification for message-passing in parallel computing. Before compiling an MPI program, make sure you have an MPI implementation installed on your system. Popular MPI implementations include OpenMPI and MPICH.

  2. Write the MPI program: Create a C++ source file with the ".cpp" extension that contains your MPI program code. This code should include the necessary MPI header file (#include <mpi.h>) and use MPI functions to perform parallel computations and communication.

  3. Compile the program: Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where your C++ source file is located. Use the MPI compiler wrapper, which is typically named mpic++, to compile the program. The command to compile a C++ MPI program is:

mpic++ -o output_file source_file.cpp

Replace output_file with the desired name for the compiled executable and source_file.cpp with the name of your C++ source file.

  1. Run the program: After successful compilation, you can run the MPI program using an MPI runtime. Use the mpiexec command to launch the program and specify the number of processes you want to run. The command to run an MPI program is:

mpiexec -n num_processes ./output_file

Replace num_processes with the desired number of MPI processes to launch and output_file with the name of the compiled executable.

By following these steps, you can compile and run a C++ MPI program to perform parallel computations using MPI.