remove digit from number c++

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int removeDigit(int number, int digitToRemove) {
    string numberString = to_string(number);
    string newNumberString = "";
    for (char digit : numberString) {
        if (digit != (char)(digitToRemove + '0')) {
            newNumberString += digit;
    return stoi(newNumberString);

int main() {
    int number = 12345;
    int digitToRemove = 3;
    int newNumber = removeDigit(number, digitToRemove);
    cout << "Original number: " << number << endl;
    cout << "Number with digit " << digitToRemove << " removed: " << newNumber << endl;
    return 0;

Explanation: - We include the necessary libraries for input/output and string manipulation. - We declare a function named removeDigit that takes two parameters: number and digitToRemove. - Inside the removeDigit function, we convert the number to a string using to_string. - We initialize an empty string newNumberString to store the modified number without the specified digit. - We iterate through each character of the numberString and check if it is equal to the digitToRemove. If not, we append it to newNumberString. - After the loop, we convert newNumberString back to an integer using stoi and return it. - In the main function, we define an example number and digitToRemove. - We call the removeDigit function with these parameters and store the result in newNumber. - Finally, we output the original number and the modified number after removing the specified digit using cout.