In every C++ program:

In every C++ program, there are several steps involved in the execution process. These steps can be summarized as follows:

  1. Preprocessing: Before the actual compilation, the preprocessor scans the source code and performs tasks such as including header files, expanding macros, and removing comments.

  2. Compilation: The compiler takes the preprocessed code and translates it into machine-readable instructions. It checks for syntax errors and generates object code (usually in the form of object files).

  3. Linking: The linker takes the object code generated by the compiler and combines it with other necessary object code files and libraries to create an executable file. It resolves references to functions and variables, and performs symbol resolution.

  4. Loading: The operating system (OS) loads the executable file into memory. It allocates memory for variables and initializes them.

  5. Execution: The CPU starts executing the instructions in the loaded program. The program begins by executing the main() function, which serves as the entry point for the program. The instructions are executed sequentially, unless there are control flow statements like loops or conditionals that alter the flow.

  6. Termination: Once the program has finished executing, it terminates and the OS releases the memory and resources allocated to the program.

It's important to note that these steps are performed by the compiler and the operating system, and the programmer doesn't have to explicitly perform each step. The C++ compiler and the OS handle these steps behind the scenes to execute the program.