icon on win32 button

To add an icon to a Win32 button in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, you need to include the necessary headers in your code. Include the Windows.h header file to access the required functions and structures.

  2. Next, you will need to create a handle to the icon. You can use the LoadIcon function to load the icon from a resource file or from a file on disk. This function returns a handle to the icon that you can use later.

  3. Once you have the handle to the icon, you can set it as the icon for the button. To do this, you will need to send a message to the button control using the SendMessage function. The message you need to send is BM_SETIMAGE, and the wParam parameter should be set to IMAGE_ICON. The lParam parameter should be set to the handle of the icon obtained in the previous step.

  4. After setting the icon for the button, you will need to handle the button click event. You can do this by associating a callback function with the button using the SetWindowLongPtr function. In the callback function, you can perform the desired action when the button is clicked.

  5. Finally, don't forget to release the resources that you have allocated. You should destroy the icon handle using the DestroyIcon function.

These steps should help you add an icon to a Win32 button in C++. Remember to include the necessary error handling and validation checks in your code to ensure proper execution.